2010-2011 courses under Mr. Winston B. Alpuerto

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Serve Drills (Underhand and Overhand)

The drills listed here can be used for both Underhand and Overhand Serving.
Drill Description
Have the athlete assume the correct serving position (perpendicular to the endline, feet shoulder width apart, off hand holding the ball in front, palm up). The athlete will repeatedly toss the ball straight up and back down into the same hand. The height of the toss will initially be very low, perhaps only a few centimeters (2 inches). Once the athlete has gained confidence with a very low toss, slowly increase the height of the toss until the athlete can consistently toss the ball straight up and down 0.3 meters (1 foot).

Drill Description
Have the athlete assume the correct serving position. The coach will place targets on the opposite side of the net — two targets 3 meters (10 feet) from the net and 2 meters (6 feet) from each sideline; two targets 2 meters (6 feet) from the back line and 1 meter (3 feet) from each sideline. The targets can be folding chairs laid flat, open newspapers, chalk outlines, or even teammates sitting or lying on the floor. The targets should all be horizontal to better train the servers to serve into the court but away from the opposing players who will be standing (vertical).