2010-2011 courses under Mr. Winston B. Alpuerto

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

basic swing

...is characterized as the catch all title for Lindy Hop, Jive, Jitterbug, East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing, etc. Perhaps the most uniquely American of all the dances. The Swing brings forth a buoyant carefree movement, that becomes contagious. Swing may be danced comfortably over a wide range of tempos.

Single Time Swing is done without the triple steps. usually when the music is too fast to execute them. It also is taught to beginners in order to get them dancing quickly. It's Step, Step, Rock, Step - the rhythms is 1, 2, 3, 4.

Double Time Swing To fast for triple timing to slow for single timing, know it's Tap Step, Tap Step, Rock, Step - the rhythm is - a1, a2, 3, 4

Triple Time Swing The Tempo and your Skill Dictates the Timing - Triple Step, Triple Step Rock, Step - the rhythm is - 1a2, 3a4, 5, 6

Lindy Timing Step, Step, Triple Step, Step, Step, Triple Step - the rhythm is - 12, 3a4, 56, 7a8
No matter what the tempo this dance is infectious and lively 

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